Kumpulan Informasi Teknologi Terbaru 2014-2015

Contoh Teks Presenter Berita Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Teks Presenter Berita Bahasa Inggris - Kita tentunya sering melihat presenter di media elektronik membawakan berita. Pembawaan berita ini biasanya disampaikan dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk media Nasional dan agar mudah dipahami secara internasional oleh setiap orang di dunia maka presenter berita tersebut menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Dibawah ini merupakan salahsatu contoh presenter berita bahasa Inggris yang membawakan laporan sebuah demonstrasi yang terjadi di Mesir beberapa waktu yang lalu dan disampaikan dalam bahasa Inggris kemudian berinteraksi dengan reporternya juga di tempat kejadian. Contoh Teks dibawah ini tentunya bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kita.

Contoh Presenter Berita Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Good Afternoon..
At last we meet again in this afternoon, in this program, Sacuil news, with me Irwandi Susanto. During the next 15 minutes, I will accompany you all for presenting some actual news that we have collected in Sacuil news in this afternoon 9 february 2011. One of them is: the demo for sliding down the position of Husni Mubarok in Kairo, the capital city of Egypt is still running. Up to now, there are still the demos in several cities, like in the At-tahrir square. For keeping the situation, the government has prepared so many armed soldiers in At-tahrir circle traffic. Not only there, but also in Iskandariyah, the second biggest city in Egypt, there is the demo between the pros people and contras people.
Contoh Teks Presenter Berita Bahasa Inggris

Irwandi : And now, we have (……………) who is ready to report the situation there directly from At-tahrir square. Halo, ….! Are you ready to inform the situation there now?
X :Yeah Irwandi!
Irwandi : ok now, inform us, what’s going on there now?
X : Ok Irwandi… thank you! Well viewers, now I’m going to inform the situation directly from Attahrir square. As you watch, the situation over here is so serious. You can watch in your TV that there are many people throw the stones to the soldiers. Until now, there hasn’t been the certainty from the president, husny mubarok. He will go down from his position or no, it’s still being a big question mark for us. And now, I will ask someone for getting information more certain.
X :Assalamu’alaikum Sir!
Y : wa’alaikumussalam. X : can you tell me what are you asking to the government now sir?
Y : All of us only ask, Husny Mubarrok!!!!!!! Slide down from the position!!!
X : so, you will not stop your action before husny mubarrok go down from his position?
Y : yes.. of course!! X : ok thank you sir! Well, that’s all that I can inform from Kairo, Egypt. Now, we are coming back to the studio. Irwandi!
Irwandi : Ok, thank you (….) for your information, may the situation there come back to normal again. Well viewers, the last information closes our meeting in this afternoon, in Sacuil news. I’m Irwandi Susuanto and all of crews say thanks a lot for your attention. At last, we say.. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb, CU next week and bye-bye!

Diatas merupakan contoh teks presenter bahasa Inggris yang membawakan sebuah berita. Sebenarnya masih banyak contoh lainnya namun dari contoh diatas dapat kita kembangkan lagi menjadi contoh teks berita lainnya sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks berita bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia tidak jauh berbeda dalam cara penyampaiannya namun hanya berbeda dari bahasa yang digunakan.

Contoh Teks Presenter Berita Bahasa Inggris Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin